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GitHub - JianZcar/FuzPad: A minimalistic note management solution. Powered by fzf

📙 FuzPad: Minimalistic Note Management

Hey everyone,

Check out FuzPad, a minimalistic note management solution powered by âš¡junegunn/fzfâš¡.


  • Create, open, search, and delete notes.
  • Automatic version control for notes.



brew install JianZcar/packages/fuzpad

curl -s | bash

Feel free to contribute, and happy noting!
in reply to zenalia

Why not just use text notes and fzf?

zenalia doesn't like this.

in reply to artificialfish

Because it's much easier to use, if you gonna script it why not just use FuzPad.

henchman2019 doesn't like this.

in reply to zenalia

Meh, Neovim has a fzf plugin. I use Logseq for linking. Linking is good because searching can fail to capture all the aliases for something, even if fuzzy

But I’m sure it’ll be useful for someone!

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

don't like this
